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Hello! My name is Yessica Jain. I am a first-year student at Boston University planning to dual major in Business Administration and Physics.


At school, I am part of the Venture Capital Group, the Consulting Group, and the Finance & Investment Club. Additionally, I am the founder and President of Shadow Your Future and a Director of the Chapters Program at The Young Writer's Initiative. I speak English and Hindi with native fluency and Spanish and Mandarin with intermediate fluency.

I have been writing for five years and my epic fantasy novel, The Prisons of Magic, is now available on Amazon! To read this and my other works, select works from the menu above or scroll down. 


Over the years, I've learned a lot about writing. Practice may be the best teacher, but it isn't the fastest. If you are new to writing or are thinking about writing a novel, check out my tips by selecting writing tips from the menu. Be sure to subscribe to get notified about posts. I hope these will help you learn about creative writing and accompany you on your journey.

Yessica Jain
The Prison of Magic
Prison of Magic Cover_edited.jpg

YA Epic Fantasy Novel

Five centuries have passed since a war led to the imprisonment of magic. By now, most of the world has moved on and forgotten magic ever existed.


But when Lyra—a poor orphan recovering from her brother’s death—uncovers this long-hidden tool, she sees the many opportunities its release could bring.


Jaxon, on the other hand, was raised in nobility and fears the release of magic will ruin his wealth and take away his status.


Their clash results in a war that has the power to change the course of the world, but Lyra and Jaxon worry only for themselves.


They are prepared to battle each other to protect what they value most, but the harder battles are those against their own morals and history.  Those they rely on for support turn out to be unreliable, and those they deem untrustworthy claim to be on their side.


Are they willing to pay what they must in order to survive this war?

Square Stage



Anthology by Yessica Jain

A World of Stores

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